TEFLON - tradução para russo
Dicionário Online

TEFLON - tradução para russo

PTFE; PFTE; Polytetrafluorethylene; Teflon coated; Polytetrafluoroethene; Polytetraflouroethylene; EPTFE; Polytetracfluoroethane; Polytetrafluroethylene; Teflon®; Kinetic Chemicals; Teflon (trademark); Teflon; Teflon(r); PTFE structured packing; Ptfe structured packing; Tefflon; C2f4n; Ptfe; Syncolon; (C2F4)n
  • Advertisement for Zepel, the trade name used to market Teflon as a fabric treatment
  • PTFE is often used to coat [[non-stick pans]] as it is [[hydrophobic]] and possesses fairly high heat resistance.
  • PTFE thermal cover showing impact craters, from NASA's Ultra Heavy Cosmic Ray Experiment (UHCRE) on the [[Long Duration Exposure Facility]] (LDEF).
  • PTFE-jacketed (white) shielded [[twisted-pair cable]]s
  • Advertisement of the Happy Pan, a Teflon-coated pan from the 1960s
  • Teflon is also used as the trade name for a polymer with similar properties, [[perfluoroalkoxy polymer resin]] (PFA).
  • PTFE tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive backing
  • date=December 2021}}
  • Logo of Teflon, the commonly known brand name of PTFE-based compositions manufactured by Chemours



общая лексика

тетрафторэтилен, тефлон





общая лексика

"Тефлон" (фирменное название синтетического полимерного покрытия внутренних поверхностей посуды, предохраняющего от пригорания, производства компании "Дюпон" [Du Pont])





общая лексика

тефлон (синтетическое покрытие внутренней поверхности кастрюли, сковородки и т. п., предохраняющее от пригорания; торговая марка)








торговое название политетрафторэтилена (фторопласта-4), выпускаемого в США; см. Фторопласты.



Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene that has numerous applications. It is one of the best-known and widely applied PFAS. The commonly known brand name of PTFE-based composition is Teflon by Chemours, a spin-off from DuPont, which originally discovered the compound in 1938.

Polytetrafluoroethylene is a fluorocarbon solid, as it is a high-molecular-weight polymer consisting wholly of carbon and fluorine. PTFE is hydrophobic: neither water nor water-containing substances wet PTFE, as fluorocarbons exhibit only small London dispersion forces due to the low electric polarizability of fluorine. PTFE has one of the lowest coefficients of friction of any solid.

Polytetrafluoroethylene is used as a non-stick coating for pans and other cookware. It is non-reactive, partly because of the strength of carbon–fluorine bonds, so it is often used in containers and pipework for reactive and corrosive chemicals. Where used as a lubricant, PTFE reduces friction, wear, and energy consumption of machinery. It is used as a graft material in surgery and as a coating on catheters.

Exemplos de pronúncia para TEFLON
1. All right, Velcro, Teflon.
Resilient _ Rick Hanson _ Talks at Google
2. or Teflon-like material
3. this, like, Teflon chick.
Bevy Smith _ Bevelations - Lessons from a Mutha, Auntie, Bestie _ Talks at Google
4. like Tang, Teflon, and Velcro.
Good Design by Design _ Jon Kuniholm _ Talks at Google
5. and Teflon for good ones.
Ron Siegel _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para TEFLON
1. Does this mean that, finally, "teflon Harman" has been caught?
2. Britain has entered an era of post–Teflon politics.
3. "Some politicians are just coated in Teflon," Mr Castle said.
4. For all of us in the bureau, Salih was the Teflon correspondent.
5. He tries to be pleasant and to be perfect non–stick Teflon.